Meet Poppy, she is a 19 year old care assistant from Willington. Poppy has 4 siblings and 3 border collies. Poppy is a vibrant character, always willing to help and lend a hand. Sadly, Poppy also suffers from a condition called F.N.D (Functional Neurological Disorder) which causes her to lose the use of her legs on a regular basis, leaving her wheelchair bound for spells ranging from a few hours to weeks at a time. Despite this she is always smiling and has an amazing outlook on life, along side the dogs she also has 3 cats and a pet shark (red fin shark) and she spends her spare time caring for the animals and her family.
Having been a member for just over a year we identified her as the perfect candidate to take over our social media platforms (as she can do this from home). If you run into Poppy out in the real world you may be shocked to hear an almost broad Yorkshire accent and her use of the term “lad” in every sentence. Her ability to care even when she is suffering her self is what makes her a perfect fit for our team.